Thursday 21 March 2019

Preliminary Task 1- FINAL EDIT

 Preliminary Task 1

Final Edit

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ella

    Overall Score: 12/20

    - You have demonstrated a really effective use of sound in this project. The way the music starts, the build up and the change of pace as the scene unfolds show that you understand the relationship between music and tension and assisting the narrative of the film sequence.
    - I think an area for consideration for next time would be sound. You did well to try 'mask' or 'fix' the sound error of having no sound for the majority of your footage but at the end of the day, the sound levels could never match up if you have silence in some scenes and the reality of the setting/ location's sound in the other scenes.
    - Sound is one noticeable technical area that is distracting from verisimilitude and continuity of the film sequence. The sound effects don't always match up perfectly enough (e.g. the knocking on the door) and the other ambient sounds like the victim struggling or being dragged away, the aircon unit buzzing in the background, is just not there. In saying this, you showed some great skills in sourcing and inserting very realistic sound effects for the noises you did need.

    - I really liked the lighting choices you made and the contrast between the 'light' outside and the 'dark' inside where the sinister activity was happening, is a nice touch.
    - the red hue on the lighting tone for the victim scene is well done and adds a sense of danger.
    - Mise-en-scene needs some more attention to detail as in more than one scene you can actually see the lighting rigs in the shot. In saying that, the props, make-up, costume and setting you have used are intentional and well thought-out and all add elements of thriller conventions that build layers of tension and suspense that work well to achieve your overall goal.
    - Cameral angles are well thought-out. I especially liked silhouette shot of the mob member walking into the light and also the low and high angles to reiterate power.

    - the name of the film in the beginning and the credits at the end are well thought out and the font, colour as well as the music that corresponds with it, all add a great sense of danger, suspense and tension foreshadowing and wrapping up the theme of the film sequence.

    - Editing in this film sequence was a great effort for your first try! The fades to black were an interesting choice of transition and definitely do provide a sense of time dragging out slightly which heightens your senses as a viewer because we wonder what is coming. Potentially having longer takes in places like where we are introduced to the victim, giving us as the audience a look at him and being able to take in the situation before the gang member arrives, could have increased the tension for the viewer. It almost feels like we didn't have enough time to take in what was happening. May there have been more suspense if us as the audience were introduced to the victim before the gang member arrives so we had a chance to sympathise with him and get his point of view? Interesting concepts to play around with.

    Technical requirements
    - Shot- reverse-shot - this was included although potentially in the next one, having a more over the shoulder type shot demonstrates this technique a bit clearer. Your shots of the victim and the gang leader are almost from the side and not really the point of view of the one watching.
    - 180' Rule - this was observed and continuity in positioning of the camera was done well
    - Match-on-action - the walking scene of the gang member from the garage door to the shot of him from behind walking towards the light is seamless and works really well as a continuous movement. Well done.
