Tuesday 7 May 2019

Preliminary Task 2- FINAL EDIT

Preliminary Task 2

Final Edit:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ella

    Overall Score: 16/20


    - I really like the way you used sound to create meaning in this clip. You really showed a solid understanding of how sound can be used in the thriller genre to increase suspense. You layered music well which evoked a feeling of suspense, showing you understand the relationship between the progression in storyline/ plot and the music.
    - Lighting could use some attention for next time in making sure everything is white-balanced and a coherent colour grade is used throughout all the same scenes/ setting, especially for the beginning scenes in the house. Some are quite yellow and others aren't.
    - I enjoyed the use of light and shadows, the contrast between the flashbacks and the reality of the dark house. Having the power go out and using limited flashlight was really effective. I also like the creative use of the TV reflection.
    - Having a soft toy as part of the plot was clever and becomes a signifier that something sinister has happened when the babysitter finds it
    - The title in the beginning could be slower and more eery although I know you were tight for time. The font works well
    - sound levels need some tweaking to be consistent throughout
    - sound effects work well and seem very natural (girl laughing, gunshot etc)
    - some really great shots and tracking shots especially when following the babysitter to the room
    - Continuity needs attention possibly from script stage. The babysitter initially is holding a lighter/ flame when entering the room and in the next shot it switches to a flashlight. This happens again when the babysitter grabs a gun on the way out and we don't see her picking it up. This isn't too much of an issue and we end up assuming she got it as she ran out.
    - The editing of the story works really well and is effective in creating tension as we follow the babysitter, getting some great close-ups of her emotions which helps us to really identify with her. I think you chose to give time to the most suspenseful part of the film which is the babysitter making her way through a dark house and finding the room empty. That was a well-thought-out creative choice.
    - your after effect of the gun fire looks awesome! Well done!

    I am really impressed with your determination, the fact that you put in the time to learning skills from scratch and have produced a much better quality short film than your first attempt. You have proven that you understand the thriller genre conventions and can replicate them in a way that creates meaning and builds suspense in your audience.
