Monday 18 March 2019



  1. Hi Ella

    Overall Score: 14/20


    Question 1
    - This was well thought-out and it was evident that you really understood and implemented conventions of the thriller genre.
    - Another convention you could have included was characterisation. Even just having a 'bad guy' and a 'good guy' is a narrative convention of a thriller. You did elude to this when speaking about costume and when you introduced each character, but it is good to make it clear you understand that.
    - Also remember that setting and location is a convention in itself, using an old warehouse and having an industrial, cold-feeling setting is definitely a convention that has been used in your thriller genre.

    Question 2
    - Well thought-out ways in which the audience would be engaged in this media product. By nature, a thriller should be a gripping narrative and you are correct in assuming they would be intrigued by the mystery aspect of 'what happens next'? It is also worth saying that in your film sequence, you have a character that the audience can identify with. Your victim is very 'normal' looking and the audience would feel sympathetic and be invested in wanting to know if he is ok.

    Question 3
    - Group work and collaboration is definitely a huge skill you have gained in this process.

    Question 4
    - A good summary of the hardware/ software and online technologies you have learnt.
    - A good idea for this section is to include Youtube music file conversions which I noticed you learnt how to do.

    Overall it would be great to see Blog Tools practised and used for your next attempt. Find one or two that work and get your work into an interesting format for viewing. I also want to see photos! I took some and I know you got a few. This would add a really lovely element when you were talking about each aspect you've learnt. You learnt how to do wound make-up and could have shown the photos of you applying dirt and make-up to Oscar that I posted to the group chat. Also things like location, you had photos of you guys discussing camera angles and also the 2 location choices. Also you initially lost all your edited Premier Pro work, remember? This was a huge learning curb for you and it would have been good to add this in on Question 3 or 4 to show you had learnt this too. I would also have added in discussion about your sound 'issues'. You guys chose to use sound effects for most of your film and not real sound. Why did you make this decision and were you happy with the outcome? You also struggled with the sound in the part of the film you did record dialogue because the air vent went on and mad e buzzing sound. What did you learn here? What would you do differently next time?

    On the whole, a good start to getting all you've learnt into a creative critical reflection. I'm looking forward to you taking this critical evaluation of your work to the next level for PT 2.
