Tuesday 7 May 2019


Creative Critical Reflection
Preliminary Task Two

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4


  1. Overall Score: 17/20


    Question 1

    Well done on an extremely comprehensive outline of your creative choices in the thriller conventions used and justifying why you used them. You have gone into great detail and included media theory in your findings to demonstrate a solid understanding of how technical elements work together to create meaning.

    Question 2:
    This Prezi presentation was a bit tricky to follow. The slides didn't have headings and maybe needed a slide in-between each paragraph to be able to know what sub-heading I was looking at. It also seemed there was maybe one missing at the end? What was there was insightful and showed that you understand the relationship between the film techniques you employed and what meaning you intended on creating.

    Question 3:
    - Again, problem with the prezi presentation (in the beginning there are slides left in that say 'topic' and 'subtopic' which I guess should have ben deleted? Then in the other slides, the layout just doesn't work for the font, although it looks at first glance, beautifully done but the bold circle pattern makes the words really tricky to read... just a thought for next time). Great reflection on all your production skills that you've mastered, some by trial and error.

    Question 4
    - well done in mastering some new technological skills! You did a fantastic job at staying with the process and essentially learning a whole new skill set with post-production. And yes, learning to save is huge and a mistake I'm sure you learnt from, first time!

  2. Another note - remember to take photos! This adds a visual element to the story-telling of your journey, what you've learnt and skills you've mastered.
