Tuesday 7 May 2019

Portfolio- PLAN

 Foundation Portfolio Plan 


A Treatment and Concept For Our Film:
Every Day Assassin

2:00-2:30 mins

Addison's house, (691A East Coast Rd Albany Auckland New Zealand) 

Mood Board:

Title and Target Audience:


Synopsis and Practicalities 

Film Schedule 




Pre Production
- Concept 
- Treatment 

Gilmark Manyere:
- Storyboard 
- Location recce and permission
- Talent
- Filming equipment and organisation

Addison Saxby:
- Script 
- Props and costumes sourcing
- Callsheets 

Ella Ironside:
- Shotlist 
- Film schedules 
- Weather check

Production- Direction and Filming
Gilmark Manyere:
- Equipment final check 
- Lighting / fleckie 
- Location shot setup
- Time keeper

Addison Saxby:
- Adio operator 
- Director 

Ella Ironside:
- Camera operator 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Ella

    Overall Score: 17/20

    You have a done a very thorough plan of your Foundation Portfolio and it is clear that you know exactly how you want to create this film sequence. The thriller conventions you've chosen to include are set out easily to understand you you give a clear picture of how they will work together for your desired effect. Your mood board of the location shows well-researched techniques of contrasting light and mis-en-scene to create two different worlds in the same location in the world of your character. Very clever concept and you look like you've planned well to be able to pull it off.

    One suggestion is to perhaps split your longer paragrahs into two or more slides. The way it is currently set out has the longer paragraphs squished into the circles with very tiny font, it's a bit tricky to read.

    I also feel like there was a bit of a gap in information in the second half of what is expected in the treatment. It could have used a bit of information on your plan for ideology and representation, what message is being pushed by you, the creator of your film sequence? Also any commentary on sound and music plans as well as used credits and logos. "A short explanation of how tension in the opening sequence will be a key framework through which to view the remainder of the film", this is also not really touched on. Another area outlined in the treatment that is required is to see evidence of what films inspired your creative choices. I don't recall seeing you mention this.
