Sunday 30 June 2019

Portfolio- FINAL EDIT


Final Edit:

1 comment:

  1. Overall Score: 16/20 (level 5)

    - Your thriller sequence is very cleverly done and was not an easy storyline to convey in the short amount of time. Your use of contrast between a good life and the dark, sinister life of an assassin was very effective. The use of iconography and thriller / danger symbols and colour was effective too and added to the suspense and tone of the clip. It was always going to be a hard task to tell the story well, to be able to build up suspense with the dark part of the story, wanting to keep the 'happy life' in the clip. For the amount of time you had, I feel like you had a well thought-out narrative and told the story visually in a creative way.

    It is also impressive that despite technical issues and set-backs that you persevered and were able to hand in a great piece of work without losing heart or enthusiasm for your project. Well done.

    - The logo in the beginning seemed to be the old one, which was disappointing as you couldn't really see your group's name properly.

    - The sound effect and after effects used for your title are very effective and set the tone and mood for your story, well.

    - You demonstrated a competant understanding of the relationship between sound and imagery, laying sound, sound effects and images that match the tone and mood, very effectively and seamlessly.

    - Editing could have been slightly 'smoother' with more seamless cuts/ edits especially in the 'bad life', but I feel that had you had more time, this could have been perfected slightly. I enjoyed the short takes, quick cuts between shots to create a sequence, mostly in the beginning part and this created an opportunity for the audience to get to know the main character through a morning routine that was very relatable. It was a clever way of establishing a character and creating a connection with the audience through visual means.

    - Your continuity was well done, except for the directional error of the brother walking in from 1 direction and walking past the window from another direction. It was a clever idea of revealing where he was, and although upheld the 180 degree rule, meant that he was walking in from 2 different directions which didn't make sense.

    - Including iconography and symbolism like the blood, knives and red hoodie were all really effective and added to the thriller tone.

    - You told the story clearly which was helpful to the viewer. It worked well to have you pause on the photo of the brother in the beginning and also to pause on the photo of the brother on the file.

    - The after effects for the txts looked really good and you held them on the screen long enough to read which was brilliant.
    This was a clever way of narrating your story.

    - Effective use of silence when the guy on the phone gives his final line. The end shot is also really effective and done well.

    Overall a great effort.
